Pipe & Fittings


Any Query: 9865326598
(1 customer reviews)

₹190 ( L / per unit cost )

A pipe is a tubular section or hollow cylinder, usually but not necessarily of circular cross-section, used mainly to convey substances which can flow — liquids and gases (fluids), slurries, powders

  • Category : Pipe & Fittings,
  • Quality : Hard Quality
  • Material : Plastic Pipe Material
  • Brand Name : Pipe
  • Connection Type: Pipe
  • Series: 2
Select Size/Quantity Min Quantity : 1

1 items

*All Prices are subject to market fluctuations, you will be provided with the best possible prices as per request.

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admin - Jul 05, 2021

pipe is a tubular section or hollow cylinder, usually but not necessarily of circular cross-section, used mainly to convey substances which can flow — liquids and gases (fluids), slurries, powders and masses of small solids. ... Many industrial and government standards exist for the production of pipe and tubing.

pipe is a tubular section or hollow cylinder, usually but not necessarily of circular cross-section, used mainly to convey substances which can flow — liquids and gases (fluids), slurries, powders and masses of small solids. ... Many industrial and government standards exist for the production of pipe and tubing.

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